Each school in NSW offers something slightly different depending on the community. Here's what we offer for you.
All canteens in NSW public schools must meet certain requirements. These include providing more healthy food and drink options – to make the healthy choice an easy choice for students. Visit Healthy school canteens to learn more.
School canteen
The P&C Association manages our school canteen to provide a service to parents through the provision of healthy lunches and small snacks at recess to our students.
Lunch orders must be placed before 8.45am. Lunches are picked up by class monitors and taken to the classrooms. Students have the opportunity to purchase healthy snacks at recess. The canteen price list can be downloaded below.
Volunteers are always welcome to help out. Please call 4384 4599 for any enquiries.
Lunch and recess orders can be ordered online through the Spriggy app or website.
Canteen Menu Term 4 2023 and Term 1 2024
When students wear a school uniform, it’s important to feel included in our school community.
At Terrigal Public School we pride ourselves on wearing a school uniform for the following reasons:
· School uniforms nourish a sense of equality
· includes items that are affordable, comfortable and made from easy-care and easy-wear fabrics
· It makes it easier for the student to get ready
· It improves safety and is appropriate for the full range of activity
· It is suitable for all body shapes
· It emphasizes academic and promotes good behaviour.
Students, teachers, parents and carers, as well as members of our local community helped develop our school uniform to make sure it meets the requirements of occupational health and safety, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation.
Learn more about the NSW Department of Education’s School Uniform Policy.
School uniform shop
The school uniform shop is open
When - Wednesday Mornings
TIme - 8.30am till 9.00am during school terms.
Uniforms can also be purchased online through Spriggy.
2024 Kinder Uniform Order Form
To buy or sell pre-loved Uniform items join our Facebook Group TPS – Pre-loved Uniforms (For Sale or for Free)
The school community has decided that all children must wear full school uniform to school. Our children are proud to wear the following uniform:
School Hat
Blue school bucket hat. Children are expected to wear their school hat in order to play in the playground as part of our SUN SAFE POLICY.
Summer: Check dress, white socks, black shoes or plain black joggers.
Winter: Blue check uniform, blue blouse, white socks/black stockings, black shoes or plain black joggers. Blue jumper and/or blue jacket.
Summer: Grey shorts, blue polo shirt, grey socks,black shoes, or plain black joggers.
Winter: Grey shorts or trousers, blue polo shirt, blue jumper or jacket with black shoes or plain black joggers and grey socks.
OPTION 1: House T-shirt, royal blue basketball shorts or royal blue pleated skirt, white socks and white joggers. Tracksuit.
OPTION 2: House T-shirt, royal blue basketball shorts, white socks, and white joggers. tracksuit.
School Uniform: Royal blue elastics, ribbons, head-bands
Sports Uniform: House colours
Earrings: Gold/silver studs or sleepers
Bracelets: Baby bracelets or bangles that physically cannot be removed, medical alert bracelets
Necklaces: Religious e.g. St. Christopher
Rings: Signet ring
Make Up
Nail Polish: ClearFace:
Sunscreen, clear lip balm
Note - Any item that does not fall into the above categories is not permitted at school.
All material brought to school, especially clothing, must be labelled with your child's name. A lost property rack is located inside the stage door of the hall. Please look for lost property in the hall and if you are unable to find it then contact the class teacher. Students are encouraged to be responsible for any items they bring to school.
Hiring our facilities
You may apply to use our school’s facilities for appropriate purposes provided your hiring of the facility doesn't interfere with our teaching and learning programs.
We assess each application on a case-by-case basis. Find out more at Using school facilities.
If you’re interested in hiring our facilities, contact us for details.